Monday, May 3, 2010

unit-14 coursebook

1.he told us that there are only 1,000 giant pandas left in china.
2.soon there will be gorillas left he told.
3.she told me that she was right.
4.he told that held never seen a panda before.
5.Billy said to me,I'm going to the zoo tomorrow.
6.I can't help you,she told me.

EX:11's the best trip i've never been no sally sain.
SAlly said to that it was the best trip i'd anevber been on.
2.I'll never forget it,"john said to me"
john said to me that i would never forget it.
3.I've never found my camera,Scott said.
Sott said to thati had found my camera.
4.I didn't enjoy the film very much,"Bob said"
Bob said to that ihadn't enjoy the film very much.
5.It's boiling hot outside,"jean said"
jean said to that It was boiling hot outside.
6.It's getting colder and colder,"Ann told us"
Ann told us that It was getting colder and colder.

1.She said to that Racoons were grey with a striped tail.
2.He said to that grey sguerrel's had got long,busny tails.
3.She said that hedgehogs slept during the winter.
He told us,Mall deer grew antlers every tear.

Where do you live?
She asked me ehrer i live?
Have you got a pet?
She asked me if i had a pet.

1.She asked me How it was?
2.She asked me what kind of it was dog?
3.She asked me if it needed a lot of exercise?
4.She asked me what it ate?
5.She asked me it needed to got to the vet?
6.She asked me How much is cost?

1.Steve said that I was thinking of adopting a dolphin.
2.Sheila asked jimHow often he went there?
3.Claire asked jeef if he joined the club
4.Mary said that it was his birthday on 6th mary.
tommy said that I'd fed the chickens.

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