Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Мартагдашгүй концерт

Have you ever been to a rock concert? I went to one last saturday at Pinecrest, a public park near Bath, and it was fantastic. It was an all-day event with six different bands, including The Runners, my favourite group.
Чи урьд өмнө рок концерт үзэж байсан уу Би өнгөрсөн хагасайн өдөр усан оргилуурын ойролцоох pinecrest-рүү явсан,энэ үнэхээр гайхалтай байсан,энэ нь миний хамтлагийг багтаасан 6-н өөр хамтлагтай концерт байсан,
It was only nine o'clock in the morning when I got there, so I watched as they set up the speakers for the sound system. One of the men working there even asked me to help, so Iran over and grave him a hand.
намайг тэнд очих үед өглөөний 9-н цаг болж байсан,тийм учраас би тэдний дууны системээ чанга яригчид суулгаж байхыг нь харсан,Ажил хииж байсан залуусын нэг нь намайг туслах эсэхийг асуусан,

The kite battles

I'll never forget my visit to the Japanese city of Hamamatsu. I decided to go at the beginning of May, when the local people have their kite festival. Every year, between 3rd and 5th May, the local people fly colorful kites to bring their children good health, strength and courage. On the way there I read a little about the history of the Hamamatsu Kite Festival.Apparently, it all started about 430 years ago, when the lord of the region sent a huge kite into the sky with his child's name on it.
Би японы хамамацуд зочилсноо хэзээ ч мартахгүй,Орон нутгийн хүмүүс өөрсдийн цаасан шувууны тэмдэглэх үеэр буюу би 5-р сарын эхээр тийшээ явхаар шийдсэн,Жил бүр 3-аас 5-р сарын хооронд,Нутгийн хүмүүс зоригтой,хүчтэй,эрүүл байлгахын тулд өөрсдийн хүүхдхүүдийг авчирч өнгө өнгийн цаасан шувуу нисгэдэг.Тэнд би хамамацу цаасан шувууны түүхийн тухай жоохон зүйл уншсан,Нутгийн эзэн өөрийн хүүгийн нэрээр нэрлэсэн асар том цаасан шувууг тэнгэр рүү нисгэснээр,энэ нь 430 гаруй жилийн өмнө эхэлсэн гэдэг.
When I arrived there, a few days before the beggining of the festival, I was amazed at the preparations involved.Some people were making enormous kites, while others were busy decorating brightly-coloured floats. Everywhere I went I could smell cakes and sweets cooking, ready for the big festival. I couldn't wait to try them!
Намайг тэнд очих үед,фестивал эхлэхээс цөөхөн өдрийн өмнө би фестивалын бэлтгэлд маш их гайхсан,Зарим хүмүүс тод өнгийн хөвүүрүүдийг бэлдэж байх зуур зарим нь өасар том цаасан шувууг хийж байсан.Би явж байхдаа хаа сайгүй том фестивалд зориулсан чихэр бас тортууд үнэртэж байсан.
On the first day of the fetival, the sky was filled with huge, colorful kites. I was so excited that I couldn't take my eyes off the sky.The aim of the battle Explained an old man is not to win a prize but for the teams to show off their skills by knocking the other team skites out of the sky.He also told me that each team was flying a kite for a family who had recently had their first child.I noticed that every team had different costumes which were embroidered with elaborate designs to match the omes on their kities They wore scarves around their heads and they had to wear gloves to protect their hands from the kites strings
The kites teams rarely men but hundreds of women and children had come to watch the event
The atmosphere was fantastic and all around me people kept waving flags banging drums playing trumpets and blowing whitles At the same time the teams were furiously tugging their opponents kites to the ground I couldn’t help admiring them for putting on such a stunning show
Фестиваллын нэг өдөр,Тэнгэр асар том өнгө өнгийн цаасан шувуунуудаар лүүрсэн байсан.миний сэтгэл үнэхээр их хөдөлсөн.Байлдааны гол зорилго нь шагнал хожихдоо биш гэж нэг хөгшин хүн надад тайлбарласан.тэр түүнчлэн бүх багууд саяхан анхныхаа хүүхдийг төрүүлсэн гэр бүлүүдэд зориулж цаасан шувууг нисгэдэг гэж надад хэлсэн бас бүх багууд өөрсдийн цаасан шувуун дээрхтэй адил маш гое дизайнтай өөр өөр хослолуудтай байдаг гэж надад хэлсэн.Тэд өөрсдийн толгойдоо ороолт зүүсэн бас цаасан шувууны уяанаас өөрсдийн харыг хамгаалахын тулд бээлий өмссөн байсан,Цаасан шувууны багууд ихэнх нь эрэгтэй хүмүүс байсан.гэхдээ 100 гаруй эмэгтэйчүүд хүүхдүүд үйл ажиллалагааг үзхээр ирсэн байсан,миний эргэн тойрон дахь бөмбөр тоглосон,туг хийсгэсэн хүмүүс үнэхээр гайхалтай уур амьсгалтай байсан.
On the last evening of the festival I really enjoyed walking around the city centre and watching the floats People had put an incredible amount of work into making them and they were really beautiful. It made me feel sad to think that I would leave for Tokyo the next day but I knew that the memories of the kite festival would stay with me foreve
Фестиваллын сүүлийн шөнө Би төвөөр алхасан.Хүмүүс тэдэнд итгэтээргүй их хэмжээний мөнгөтэй ажлын санал тавьж байсан.Гэвч өи цаасан шувууны фестиваллын дурсамжийг хэзээ ч мартахгүй гэдгээ мэдэж байсан.

3 degrees below freezing

Looking for an exciting winter getaway? Then try the Ice Hotel in northern Sweden and spend a few days in a giant igloo. 2000 tonnes of ice and 30000 of snow are needed to build the Ice Hotel every year. When the thermometer hits 3 degrees below freezing,the building of the hotel starts.
сэтгэл хөдөлгөсөн өвлийн амралт хайж байна уу Тэгвэл амралтын өдрүүдээ гайхалтай өнгөрүүлэх хойд швед дахь зочид буудлыг сонирхоорой.2000 тонн мөс ба 3000 тонн цас жил бүр мөсөн зочид буудлыг барихад хэрэглэгддэг.Зочид буудлыг барьж эхлэхэд л термометр 3градусаас доошгүй зааж эхэлдэг.
The Hotel has rooms for over 100 guests, as well as an ice sauna,a cinema, The Ice Chapel and the world-famous Absolut Ice Bar. The temperature inside the Hotel is minus 3 degrees Celsius, but that seems warm when you compare it to the temperature outside ,which can fall below minus 30 degrees Celsius.
Зочид буудал 100 гаруй зочны өрөөтэй ба мөсөн сайн ,кино театр ,мөсөн танхим ба дэлхийн хамгийн алдартай мөсөн бар кэрэг багтдаг,зочид буудал доторх температур -3 цельсийг заадаг,Гэхдээ Үүнийг гадааны -30 цельстэй харицуулахад халуун санагддаг юм,
Before bedtime, have a meal prepared by master chefs, then visit the Absolut Ice Bar, where you might just meet your favourite model and actor, or enjoy a crystal-clear view of the starry Arctic sky. When it's time for bed, don't worry about keeping warm. The Ice Hotel provides guests with warm sleeping bags to sleep in. Guests wake up to a hot drink, after which they can enjoy an early morning sauna and a tasty breakfast.
Унтахын өмнө,Мастер тогооч хоол бэлтгэж өгдөг.тэгээд та магадгүй болор шиг тунгалаг одод түгсэн арктикийн тэнгэрийг харах эсвэл өөрийн дуртай модел,жүжигчинтэй уулзаж болох төгс төгөлдөр мөсөн бааранд зочилж болно.Унтах үедээ дулаанаа хадгалж чадах тухайд бүү санаа зовоорой.Мөсөн зочид буудал дулаан хөнжлөөр зочидоо ханхадаг юм,Зочидод өглөө сэрээд халуун юм уусныхаа дараа эрт саун явж, амтай өглөөний цай уух нь таалагддаг.
The Arctic is the perfect place for outdoor activities such as dog-sledding,ice-fishing and skiing. If you haven't got skis, the staff at the reception will provide you with everything you need.
арктик бол нохойтой чаргаар аялах,загас барих зэрэг гадны идэвхтэй үйл ажиллагаанд зориулсан төгс газар юм.
A visit to the Ice Hotel is an unforgettable experience and the perfect way to liven up your winter. Don't miss this chance of a lifetime.
Мөсөн зочид буудалд зочлох нь мартагдашгүй туршлага байх болно.
Амьдралын энэ сайхан боломжоо бүү алдаарай

Unit-12 Alton towers-Where the Magic never Ends

The Alton tower is set in the heart of Staffordshire’s scenic countryside in the north west of England.It is only minutes away from Britain’s most magical theme park Alton Towers Like the park the hotel offers guests the chance to experience a delighful holiday fall of fun and surprises.
Alton towers зочид буудал нь английн хойд хэсэгт staffordshire-ийн сайхан байгалтай хөдөө нутгийн төвд нь байрладаг,Энэ нь британийн хамгийн ид шидийн парк alton towers-оос цөөхөн минутын зайтай оршдог,Парк шиг зочид буудал нь сюрприз өас хөгжилтэй зүйлүүдээр дүүрэн хамгийн сайхан амралтын боломжуудаар зочдоо хүлээн авдаг юм,
The first thing you’ll notice when you enter the hotel is the extra ordinary reception desk which is made of piles of antique luggage and a flying machine which stretches up to the ceiling.The hotel also offers an amazing range of themed rooms and suits
таазанд хүрэхүйц сунадаг машин бас эртний эдлэлээр хийгдсэн ер бусын хүлээн авалтын танхимд ороход хамгийн эхний зүйл л таны анхаарлыг татах болно,
These include the peter Rabbit bedrooms the Garden rooms the Explorer room the Gadbuery’s chocolate bedroom ,the Coca-cola Fizzy factory room and the Araibian night suit which is possibly the most romantic hotel suit in the world
Тэдгээр нь дэлхий дээрх хамгийн романтик хослолууд болох arabian hights suite,the coca cola fizzy factory,the cadbury's chocolate,the garden rooms,the peter rebbit bedrooms зэргийг багтаадаг,
All the bedrooms and suites have a bathroom tea and coffee making facilities satelise tv and a baby listening facility
Бүх унтлагын өрөө нь цай бас кофе хийх таатай нөхцөл боломжтой,хиймэл дагуултай холбогдсон телевикор бас хүүхдийг сонсгох таатай нөхцөл боломжтой,
Kid’s can Pirate Bills club which is a great opportunity to make new friends while taking part in games,drawing face painting and lots more with Pirate Bill himself The secret garden restaurant offers delicious dishes from around the world while the hotel’s two bars the Dragon bar and the Captian’s bar are both ideal places to relax with a coffee or a cocktail in the evening
Хүүхдүүд далайн дээрэмчин биллтэй нүүрээ будах газар ухах зэрэг тоглуумуудын хэсгийг тоглож байх зуур шинэ найзуудтай болох маш том боломж бол далайн дээрэмчин Биллийн клубт нэгдэх ба зочид бнндлын 2 бар болох dragon bar,captain bar 2нь шөнө коктейл эсвэл коффетэй амралтын газрын санааг санал болгож байх зуур нууцлаг цэцэрлэгийн ресторан дэлхийн хамгийн амттай хоолыг таньд өгнө,
The Alton Tower’s hotel is the ideal place for fun family holiday at anytime of year but don’t forget that the theme park is only open from mid March to the of October
гэр бүлээрээ хамгийн сайхан хөгжилтэй байх газар бол alton towers гэвч та манайхаар үйлчлүүлэхийг хүсвэл 3 сарийн дундаас 10 сар хүртэл ажиллахыг битгий мартаарай
Remember Alton Tower’s is the land where the magic never ends check our price guide for current prices
ид шид нь хэзээ ч дуусдаггүй газар бол alton towers бөгөөд үнийн талаар хөтчөөс асуугаарай.

Monday, May 3, 2010

unit-14 Workbook

1. said 2. told 3. said 4. told 5. said
1. She said that she loved horses.
2. He said "I'm feeling the birds".
3. They said that they had just caught a big fish.
4. He said that he was in New York.
5. He said that he would read you a story.
2. Did you enjoyed my visit?
3. What have you liked best about the zoo?
4. Was there been anything you didn't like
5. Will you visit the zoo again?
6. Will you recommend it to your friends?
2. The boy asked his mother if I could go and play in the park.
3. My friend asked me if you did think it will rain.
4. The teacher asked her students if you had ever been to Britain.
5. Jill asked the shop assistant if
1. told-said
2. that I had a pet- if I had a pet; said- told
3. said- asked; told-said

unti-13 Workbook

1. b 2. f 3. c 4. a 5. e 6. d 7. g 8. h
2. Jule would like to learn French. He enjoys meeting
people. He doesn't like to play chess. He can't stand dance.
3. The Smiths would like to travel more. They enjoy reading
book. They don't like to sing. They can't stand to watch TV.

I would like to go the cinema. I enjoy playing computer. I don't
like painting pictures. I can't stand dance.
1. to write 2. writing 3. buying 4. to buy 5. asking 6. to ask
1. get 2. eat 3. speak 4. look 5. go 6. work
1. visiting 2. entering 3. to red 4. to learn 5. playing
6. to travel 7. to stay in
A: 1. What do you enjoy in your free time
2. Do you like to dance?
3. What do you hate doing?
B: 1. Did you remember to collect ticket at the concert tonight?
2. Would your brother like to come?
3. Does he like listening to classical music?
1. take 2. go past 3. reach 4. right

unit-12 Workbook

1. f 2. e 3. g 4. b 5. h 6. a 7. d 8. j 9. i 10. c
A maid is someone who i cleans rooms.
A stadium is a place where you can watch a football match there.
A cooler is something which keeps food cold.
A receptionist is someone who welcomes guests at a hotel.
A sauna is a place where you can sit in hot steam in there.
A restaurant is a place where you can enjoy delicious meal there.
A compass is something which helps you find directions.
A suncream is something which protects your skin from the sun.
A waiter is someone who serves meals.
1. some 2. no 3. any 4. anyone 5. something
6. anyone 7. no 8. nothing 9. somewhere 10. any
1. book 2. view 3. double 4. breakfast 5. bathroom
6. balconies 7. nights 8. forward

Work Book:Unit 11

1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. b
A. If Bill won a million pounds, he would buy a new car.
B. If Bill won a million pounds, he would move into.
C. If Bill won a million pounds, he would go on a cruise.
D If Bill a million pounds, he would buy a helicopter.
2. If people don't water, there aren't serious water
shortages in many parts of the world.
3. If haven't got a car, I'd cycle to work.
4. If factories don't pour chemicals into rivers,Rivers
wouldn't polluted.
5. If people don't leave rubbish on beaches, they wouldn't dirty.
6. If we take care of our planet, it wouldn't danger.
7. If he has got a garden, he would grow vegetables.
8. If Mary don't live in a flat, she would.
1. If i had a bicycle, I would cycle to school.
2. If i had enough money, I would buy a new car.
3. If were you, I would meet friends.
4. If i worked fewer hours, I would study english.
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b

1. c 2. b 3. f 4. d 5. a 6. e
2. A ski instructor is someone who works on a ski slope.
3. A farmer is someone who works in the fiels.
4. A swimming instructor is someone who work at a pool.
5. A drive is someone who works underwater.
6. A flight attendant is someone who works on a plane.
1. b 2. e 3. c 4. f 5. a 6. d
1. A guest house is a place where you can stay when on holiday.
2. A dining room is a place where you can have dinner.
3. A reception desk is a place where you can pay your bill.
4. A bathroom is a place where you can have a shower.
5. A self-catering apartment is a place where you can cook
your awn meals.
1. where 2. where 3. who 4. which 5. which 6. who
7. where 8. who 9. which

unit-10 Workbook

1. look 2. come 3. use 4. put 5. touch 6. climb
1. in 2. on 3. with 4. around 5. away 6. with 7. of
8. in 9. at
A3, B5, C6, D1, E4, F2
1.c, 2.e, 3.b, 4.f, 5.d, 6.a,
1. must 2. must 3. mustn't 4. mustn't 5. must 6. mustn't
7. must 8. must 9. must 10. must

2. A: I have to post a letter.
B: So do I, but I don't have to pay phone bill.
A: Neither do I.
3. A: I have to give the dog a bath.
B: So do I, but don't have to water the plants.
A: Neither do I.
4. A: I have to go shopping.
B: So do I, but I don't have to go to the dank.
A: Neither do I.
5. A: I have to take my car to the mechanic.
B: So do I, but I don't have take my cat to the vet.
A: Neither do I.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F

Work Book:Unit 9

1. designed 2. built 3. lined 4. made 5. open 6. visited
7. named 8. performed 9. carved 10. situated
1. man-made 2. damaged 3. desk 4. landmark 5. opening 6. painting
7. invented 8. completed 9. exhibits 10. of
1. fascinating 2. old 3. traditional 4. enormouse
5. popular 6. unforgettable
a) 1. A festival is being held next moth by them.
2. Guided tours will be offered by the company.
3. The lock of that door must be fixed by them.
4. A famous painting was stolen from the gallery
by somebody.
5. Was that leaflet designed by Did Robert?

b) 1. Elaine will give some money to charity.
2. Ray has decorated the room.
3. Jenny will repair the fence tomorrow
5. Rosie wasn't wrote that note.
1. b) The Champagne is made this country.
2. a) The capital, Ottawa will visited many
b) The English and French spoke there.
3. a) The acropolis was visited many tourists.
b) The many beautiful beaches will be find this country.
1. will be opened 2. be hiked 3. are being offered
4. must be wore 5. is being contacted
1. built by 2. have been 3. has been discovered 4. was solds
5. have closed 6. letters written by 7. was painted 8. will
be organised 9. can be reached 10. is spoken
1. was robbed by an armed gang.
2. was destroyed by fire.
3. was bited by a dog
4. was builded by
5. was gave charity performance to invites
1. too 2. too 3. enough 4. too 5. enough 6. too
7. too 8. enough
1. f 2.b 3. a 4. e 5. d 6. c
1. mine 2. their 3. ours 4. her 5. yours 6. them 7. his 8. her
1. a) is located 2. was discovered 3. is called 4. was gave back
5. is surround 6. are always amazing
b) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F
1. The Pyramid of the Sun is located in ancient city of
Teotihuacan, Mexico.
2. The Pyramid was built by the Teotihaucan.

1. Nicoled has to do the washing-up
2. Jim doesn't have to the ironing.
3. Jim and Nicole have to do the their homework.
4. Nicole doesn't have to cook dinner.
5. Jim doesn't have to give the dog a bath.
6. Jim and Nicole have to tidy their room.
7. Jim has take the dog for a walk.
1. A:Can I smoke in the office?
B: No,you aren't allowed to make in the office, but you can
smoke outside.
2. A: Can I turn left here?
B: No,you aren't allowed to turn left here, but you can
turn left next street.
3. A: Can we ride our bikes here?
B: No,you aren't allowed to ride bikes here, but you
can ride bikes in the park.
4. A: Can he cross the street here?
B: No,he aren't allowed to cross the street, but he can
cross at pedestrain crossing.
5. A: Can I drive in the city centre?
B: No, you aren't allowed to drive in the city centre,
but you can use bus service.

unit-8 workbook

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. c
1. exhausted 2. quickly 3. desperately 4. deserted
5. terrified 6. excitedly
1. a school of whales, dolphins
2. a herd of elephants,cows,sheep,deer
3. a swarm of files,bees, wasps
4. a flock of birds, fish
By land-train, jeep,motorbike, car, bicycle, bus,
By sea-yacht,ship,jerry
By air-host -air balloon,aeroplane,helicopter
1. in 2. for 3. of 4. from 5. on 6. at 7. in 8. for
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d
1. had just returned 2. didn't go 3. had watered 4. had
turned off 5. had always made 6. washed 7. had never
seen 8. rang 9. had taken 10. had gone 11. hadn't gone
12. locked 13. had already 14. cut
1. called 2. had played 3. was planting 4. caught 5. had
already falled 6. was fixing
1. Ann called for a taxi after she had packed her suitcase.
2. Pam and Tom went to the funfair as soon as they had
finished their homework.
3. We arrive at the harbour by the time the boat had
already left.
4. The football match had already started when Thomas
entered the stadium.
5. I didn't start reading my book until l had did all the
6. She just went to sleep when her brother came round to
see her
7. The burglar left with the painting before the police
had arrived.
8. The mechanic already fixed the car when the customer
had returned to the garage.

Unit-7 Workbook

He shouldn't smoke.
He shouldn't drink coffee.
He should lose some weight.
He shouldn't eat junk food.
He should buy a bicycle.
He should join a gym.
He shouldn't go to bed late.
He should work fewer hours.
1. I've never had the flu.
2. I've had toothache.
3. I've never had meales.
4. I've never had a tropical disease.
5. I've never broken a bone.
6. I've never had a serious burn.
7. I've twisted my ankle.
1. yet, just 2. yet 3. already 4. just, already 5. yet, yet
6. just,yet
1. have hurt 2. did you do 3. did 4. hurt 5. happened
6. have you seen 7. went 8. don't break 9. I've never injured
1. A: What's happened?
B: I've cut nose.
A: You should be more careful.
2. A: What's wrong?
B: She's hurt leg.
A: She shouldn't walk for a while.
3. A: What's are they doing?
B: They're enjyoing swimming in the pool.
A: They should execise more often.
4. A: What's wrong?
B: He's injured leg.
A: He shouldn't play tennis for a while.
1. for 2. since 3. for 4. for 5. since 6. since 7. since
8. since 9. since 10. for
1. Micheal Chang has played professional tennis for
over 10 years.
2. Whitney Houston has recorded hit songs since 1965.
3. Tara Lipinski has skated since she was 3 years ols.
4. Cher has made albums for 14 years.
5. Kim Carey has acted comedy films since 1977.
1. always has been made 2. has worked
3. has performed 4. has lived 5. has made
6. have been playing 7. have been practising

unit-6 Workbook

1. many 2. much 3. many 4. many 5. much
6. many 7. much 8. much 9. much 10. much
a few- raisins, sweets, peaches, mushrooms
a little-cake, flour, sandwiches, cereal, ham, marmalade
1. many 2. some 3. little 4. an 5. some 6. a 7. many
8. few 9. any 10. any
A: 1 an 2. some 3. any 4. a
B: 1. some 2. a little 3. a few 4. much 5. many
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. b 10.a
1. should 2. shouldn't 3. shouldn't 4. should 5. shouldn't
1. ask 2. spend 3. phone 4. stay 5. eat
1. should 2. shouldn't 3. should 4. shouldn't 5. should

unit-5 Workbook

a. secretary b. carpenter c. plumber d. artist
e. hairdresser f. photographer
A mechanic repairs cars
A farmer grows crops and raises animals.
A chef prepares meals in restaurant.
A nurse looks after patrients in a hospital.
A disk jockey plays songs on the radio.
A architect disegns buildings.
A plumber fixes leaking taps.
1. Trapeze artists have to be courageous and careful.
2. Tennis player have to be athletic and strong.
3. Artists have to be creative and imaginative.
4. Waiters have to be polite and patient.
1. The waiter going to replace them.
2. He
3. He is going to become a vegetarian.
4. She is going to go whitewater rafting.
5. He is going to become a firefighter.
1. They're going to send invitations.
2. They're going to clean house.
3. They're going to decorate house with balloons.
4. They're going to make birthday cake.
5. They're going to buy present for Jason.
1. d 2. e 3. a 4. f 5.c 6. b
1. am going 2. will 3. will 4. am going 5. will
6. will 7. won't 8. will
1. c 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. e
1. would like 2. I'm afraid 3. would 4. could 5. will
6. will 7. won't 8. will
1. will 2. won't 3. won't 4. will

unti-4 Workbook

puzzled-8, thrilled-1,
sad-2, scared-4,
happy-7, amazed-6,
anxious-5, annoyed-3
1. collected 2. cancel 3. watering 4. staring 5. landed
6.radioed 7. hanging 8. changed
1. wonderful 2. comfortable 3. harible 4. amazing
5. unharmed 6. wintry 7. delighted
1. sweetly 2. suddenly 3. gently 4. heavy 5. softly
6. carefully 7. well
1. brightly 2. softly 3. careful 4. violently 5. loudly
6.fast 7. quickly 8. bravely
1. was lying 2. was watching 3. replied 4. sat 5. was gasping
6. was holidying 7. heard 8.was climbing 9. shook
10. was waiting 11. was painting 12. falled 13. was going
14. got 15. decided
1. Harry wasn't talking to Ali and Maya. He was coming down the stairs.
2. Jane wasn't looking at the painting.She was arriving in the castle.
3.The guide wasn't sitting on a box.He was guiding for Ali and Maya.
4.Ali and Maya weren't listening to Harry.They were listening to the guide.
5.Mick wasn't taking a photograph.He was watching a photograph.
6.Mr.West wasn't walking into the room.He was sitting on a box.
7.Br.Brown wasn't listening to the guide.He was taking a photograph.
1.Pas was screaming when she saw the stranger in her house.
2.The thieves were stealing the painting while guard wasn't looking.
3.The man in the photo was wearing an old suit and was holding
a blue umbrella.
4. It was snowing as the climbers were reaching the camp.
5.He was walking in the park when he found a set of keys.
6.It stopped raining so the children gone out the play.

unti-4 Workbook

puzzled-8, thrilled-1,
sad-2, scared-4,
happy-7, amazed-6,
anxious-5, annoyed-3
1. collected 2. cancel 3. watering 4. staring 5. landed
6.radioed 7. hanging 8. changed
1. wonderful 2. comfortable 3. harible 4. amazing
5. unharmed 6. wintry 7. delighted
1. sweetly 2. suddenly 3. gently 4. heavy 5. softly
6. carefully 7. well
1. brightly 2. softly 3. careful 4. violently 5. loudly
6.fast 7. quickly 8. bravely
1. was lying 2. was watching 3. replied 4. sat 5. was gasping
6. was holidying 7. heard 8.was climbing 9. shook
10. was waiting 11. was painting 12. falled 13. was going
14. got 15. decided
1. Harry wasn't talking to Ali and Maya. He was coming down the stairs.
2. Jane wasn't looking at the painting.She was arriving in the castle.
3.The guide wasn't sitting on a box.He was guiding for Ali and Maya.
4.Ali and Maya weren't listening to Harry.They were listening to the guide.
5.Mick wasn't taking a photograph.He was watching a photograph.
6.Mr.West wasn't walking into the room.He was sitting on a box.
7.Br.Brown wasn't listening to the guide.He was taking a photograph.
1.Pas was screaming when she saw the stranger in her house.
2.The thieves were stealing the painting while guard wasn't looking.
3.The man in the photo was wearing an old suit and was holding
a blue umbrella.
4. It was snowing as the climbers were reaching the camp.
5.He was walking in the park when he found a set of keys.
6.It stopped raining so the children gone out the play.

unit-3 Workbook

1.big-F 2. lovely-O 3.wonderful-O 4.old-F 5.green-F
6.excellent-O 7.heavy-F 8.black-F 9.pretty-O 10.beautiful-F
1.young-old 2. heavy-float 3.expensive-cheap 4.short-long
5.small-large 6.ugly-beautiful 7.boring-interesting 8.light-dark
1.round rubber 2.woollen warm 3.big cotton 4. small
5.leather old 6.rectangular
1. a large brown wooden bed
2. a small black silk shirt
3. a bag square blur bax
4 .a light grey leather briefcase
5. a tiny round red ball
6. a lovely blue velvet dress
7. a expensive big white car
8. a old green nylon rucksock
1. must 2. can't 3. can't 4. must 5. can't
She must be a student. She can't be married.
She must be 18 years old. She can't work long hours.
She must be single. She can't be pilot.
1. worse 2. more expensive 3. the better 4. heavier of
5. the oldiest 7. smaller than 8.taller than 8. pretty
9.the biggest 10. cheaper than
A: 1-most expensive 2- cheaper than 3-closer 4-tasty
B: 1-most beautiful 2-bigger than 3-smaller 4-good
1. Car A is bigger than Car B.
2. Car B is older than Car A.
3. Car A is faster than Car B.
4. Car B is cheaper than Car A.
5. Car A is better than Car B.

unit-2 Workbook

1.8am=eight o'clock in the morning
2.6am=six o'clock in the evening
3.4am=four o'clock in the morning
4.5:30am=half five o'clock in the morning
5.10:15pm=a quarter after ten in the morning
6.9:45am=q quarter to ten in the morning
7.3:20pm=twenty past three in the afternoon
1. 6:20=six twenty OR twenty past six
2. 4:30=four thirty OR half four
3. 9:15=nine fifteen OR a quarter after nine
4. 10:50=ten fifty OR ten to eleven
5. 1:45=one forty-five OR a quarter to two
Sam used to wear designer clothes when he was younger.
How he wears old clothes.
Sam used to drive a sports car when he was younger.
How he rides a bicycle.
Sam used to be married to a model. How he divorced.
Sam used to live in a large house.
How he lives in a small terraced house.
Sam used to eat at expensive reastaurants.
How he cooks his own food.
Sam used to have a lot of friends.
How he doesn't have many friends.
Sam used to wake up very late.
How he wakes up very early.
SA: Did Robert use to have a pet dog when he was six years old?
SB:No,he didn't.He used to have a pet fish.
SA:Did Robert use to have a car when he was six years old?
SB:No,he didn't. He used to have a bicycle.
SA:Did Robert use to go to bed late when he was six years old?
SB:No,he didn't.He used to go bed early.
1. A-did B-didn't
2. A-don't B-don't
3. A-Do B-don't
4. A-doesn't B- does
5. A-does B-does,doesn't
1. Nor do I
2. So do I
3. Nor do I
4. Nor do I

unit-1 Workbook

A-1.brave 2.clever
B-1.selfish 2.determined 3.stubburn
C-1.suspicious 2.mysterious
D-1.independent 2. sensible
1.honest 2.shy 3.jealous 4.talkative 5.meam 6.rude
1-Where 2-How 3-What 4-What 5-How 6-Where
1-has 2-is 3-is 4-has 5-has 6-is 7-has 8-is
1-is 2-are 3-am 4-are 5-am 6-do 7-do 8-is
1-catches 2-meets 3-listens 4-rides 5-washes 6-plants
7-sits 8-relaxes 9-needs 10-visits
1- Do you come from
2-Come from
3-do you live
6-do you go
10-do you like
1-i am writing
2-i'm being
3-are staying
5-is raining
7-are trying
8-are having
1-Bill paints pictures 2-Bill doesn't play tennis 3-Bill
has got a cat 4- Bill doesn't use a computer 5- Bill has got
posters on the wall 6-Bill likes reading a book 7-Bill hasn't
got piano lessons 8-Bill hasn't got a telephone 9- Bill listens
to music 10- Bill hasn't got a dog
1-Yes,it is 2-Julio?How do you spell that? 3-Really? Where
in Spain? 4-Yes,I do. It's lovely.

unit-15 coursebook

1.Instructor said jeff to be polite and informative
2.Instructor said jeff to look alists of FAQs.
3.Instructor said jeff to get to now how the system works.
4.Instructor said jeffnot to use capital letters inappnopriately.
5.Instructor said jeffnot to send inappopriately e-mail.
6.Instructor said jeffnot to give personal information to chat friends.

2.she asked that he had called twice.
3.Sue asked where he lived.
4.Bob said to lyn i would see you on monday.
5.Claire said that He had missed the bus.
6.Karen said to mary that i couldn't help you.

1.Who sent message?
2.What is it about?
3.Are the layout and style the same as for a letter.

unit-14 coursebook

1.he told us that there are only 1,000 giant pandas left in china.
2.soon there will be gorillas left he told.
3.she told me that she was right.
4.he told that held never seen a panda before.
5.Billy said to me,I'm going to the zoo tomorrow.
6.I can't help you,she told me.

1.it's the best trip i've never been no sally sain.
SAlly said to that it was the best trip i'd anevber been on.
2.I'll never forget it,"john said to me"
john said to me that i would never forget it.
3.I've never found my camera,Scott said.
Sott said to thati had found my camera.
4.I didn't enjoy the film very much,"Bob said"
Bob said to that ihadn't enjoy the film very much.
5.It's boiling hot outside,"jean said"
jean said to that It was boiling hot outside.
6.It's getting colder and colder,"Ann told us"
Ann told us that It was getting colder and colder.

1.She said to that Racoons were grey with a striped tail.
2.He said to that grey sguerrel's had got long,busny tails.
3.She said that hedgehogs slept during the winter.
He told us,Mall deer grew antlers every tear.

Where do you live?
She asked me ehrer i live?
Have you got a pet?
She asked me if i had a pet.

1.She asked me How it was?
2.She asked me what kind of it was dog?
3.She asked me if it needed a lot of exercise?
4.She asked me what it ate?
5.She asked me it needed to got to the vet?
6.She asked me How much is cost?

1.Steve said that I was thinking of adopting a dolphin.
2.Sheila asked jimHow often he went there?
3.Claire asked jeef if he joined the club
4.Mary said that it was his birthday on 6th mary.
tommy said that I'd fed the chickens.

Unit-13 coursebook

A:Excuse me.Is there a bowling alley near here?
B:Yes,there is.it's in hampton street.
A:HOW do i get there?
B:Go along this street and turn down at the traffic lights.Then take the second turning on the go into hampton street.The bowling alley is about 100 metres down the street turn your right.

1.to send
7.to go
8.to buy
9.to stay up

1.SA:Do you like dancing to traditional misic?
SB:Yes,i do.Actually.I enjoy dancing to traditional music.
Do you like dancing to traditional music?
SA:no,I don't.I can't stand dancing to traditional music.
2.SA:Do you like watching firefox displays
SB:Yes,I do.Actually.I like watching firefox displays.
Do you like wearing fancy-dress?
SA:No,I don't.I hate wearing fancy-dress.
3.Do you like listening to loud music?
SB:No,I don't.ACtually.Ican't stand listening to loud music.
Do you like going to parties?
SB:No,I don"t. I don't mind going to parties.
4.SA;Do you like staying up all night?
SB:Yes,Ido.Actually.I love staying up all night.
Do you like flying kites?
SB:No,I don't.I hate flying kites.
5.SA:Do you likesending cards?
SB:No,I don't.actually.i like sending cards.
Do you likegiving present?
SA:No,I don't.I don't like playing party games.
6.SA:Do you like visiting exhibitions?
SB:Yes,I do.Actually.I love visiting exhibitions.
Do you like listening to rock music?
SA:No,i don't.I can't stand listenong to rock music.
7.SA:Do you like eating traditional food.
SB:Yes,I do.ACtually.I love singing traditional songs.
Do you like celebrating with friends?
SA:No,I don't.I can't stand celebrating with friends.

Unit-13 coursebook

unit-12 coursebook


2.A porter is someone who carries luggage.
3.Chef is someone who cooks food.
4.Maid is someone who serves meals.
5.Waiter is someone who cleans rooms.
6.Receptionest is someone who welcomes guests.

Radio is something which plays music
Compass is something which shows the way.
Cooler is something which keeps food cool.
Key is something which opens doors.
Tootbrush is something cleans teeth.
Clock is something which shows the time.

-Sally is going to jamaica.THe weather will be boiling hot
so,he's taking shorts,T-shirts,swimsuit.She is planning on the beach ,go scuba diving and sailing.
-Sue and olive are going to orkney islands,scotland.The weather will be fantastic but changeable, so they're taking clothes for all types of weather.He is planning to visit historic sites go to island,go hiking.

unit-11 coursebook

1.car fumes-4
public transport-2
a rainforest-1
a person planting a tree-6
a hunter-5
2.what can cause acid rain?
2.what is acid rain?
rain with chemicals from factories.
3.which of the following are endangered?

Endangered species are killed by hunters.
Air pollution are cause by cars.
Rainforest are destroyd by logging companies.

If we drived electric cars
we would have less air pollution
If we used less paper
we would have
If we teached hunters it's wrong to kill animals
we would

1.stop logging from destroying the rainforest.
2.not allow hunters to kill endangered species.
3.ban cars
4.create special parks
5.improve public transport
6.make logging companies plant new trees.

1.Stop logging companies from destroying the rainfores M
2.not allow hunters to kill endangered species K
3.ban cars J
4.create special parks M
5.improve public transport K
6.make logging companies plant new trees. J

1.why can roberta hardly breathe when she's riding her bike?
because of the traffic fumes.
2.what does acid rain kill?
acid rain kills plant and trees.
3.What would happen if public transport were better?
people wouldn't need to use their sport were better.
4.What will happen if hunters continuou kill endangered species?
animals such as tigers and rhinos have been hunted so much that there will soon be none left.
5.What happens when trees dissapear?
animals and rare plants die.
^.What do trees produce?
Trees produce oxygen.

to ban cars
air pollution
traffic fumes
acid rain
public transport
logging companies
rare plants
to rare trees
basic air
endangered species
basic needs
to live safely


1.because of the sth.
2.to live in city
3.to stop sb from doing sth.
4.an answer to the problem.

2.If there be more binsin towns and cities,there wouldn't be so much litter on our streets.
3.If we not pollute lakes and rivers,we would have clean drinking water.

3.didin't drop
6.didn't be
8.didn't use
9.didn't use
10.would be


SA:what would you do if you had a lots of money?
SB:If i had a lots of money,i would buy house.
SA:What would you do,if you had an aeroplane?
SB:If i an mountains,i would tour.

IF i won 1,000,000,i would buy car.
IF i met my favourite film star,i would ask lot of question.
Of i got lost in the mountains,i would fing help.

1.SA:What would you do of you see a UFO?
SB:If i saw UFO,i would come.
2.SA:What would you do if you were able to travel back in time?
SB:if i were able to travel back in time,i would change all things.
3.SA:What would you do,if you were accidentally bump somebodys car while parking.
SB:If i was accidentally bump somebody'
s car while parking,i would help somebody
4.SA:What would you do if you lose your best frined's favourite jacket?
SB:If i lose my best friend's favourite jcket,iwould fing his jacket.
5.SA:What would you do if you were ship wrecked on desert island?
SB:If i was shipwrecked on desert.i would die

If the cities have more trees in the green areas,people would have more oxygen.
If people improve public transport,cities would be less polluted.
If people used bicycle,people would leave cars at home.
If people recycled things,City wouldn'tbe so much ribbish everywhere.
If people created more parks,children would be able to play safety.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

how do you study english ?

Somebody want to study a english.They study a lot of ways.Some people listen a england song and watch movie.But some people read a england book.I have been learning english for five years.I study four ways.1.I watch the movie.
2.I read a lot of books
3.I listen the music.
4.i translate a lot of books.

how do you study english ?

write the suggestion

I want to study english.Because english is international language.Most people in the world speak english such as americe,india,englandand mongolia.i must study english very well.so i want to tell my english teacher five suggestion.
1.i want to do test.
2.i want to watch england movie.
3.i want to listenengland song
4.i want to read england book
5.i want to speak english.

If i were the leader of my country

If i were the leader of my country,I would ban hard-factory becausethet cause too much air pollution.Ihate it when i'm going to university in the street and i can hardly breathe because of the hard-factory.It makes me feel really ill.Air pollution causes acid rain ,too,which kills animals and trees.Iwould also improve law.People wouldn't need to use hard-factory so much then.In my opinion people should do other working.If they did,Our world would be healthier places to live in.

unit-10 student book



chris might fall into the hole
tom might fall out of tree
Don might cut foot
Stuart might fall into pond and drown

1.c 2.b 3.e 4.d 5.a

1.chris has to get up early t ocatch the school bus
2.anne wear a school uniform
3.Chris has to stay in the school grounds at lunchtime.
4.anne has to go lessons on saturday mornings.
chris has to clean the classromm

SA:do you have to get up early to catch the school bus?
SB:NO,i don't
SA:do you have to stay in the school grounds at lunchtime
SB:no,i don't
SA:do you have to go to lessons on saturday mornings?
SB:no,i don't
SA:do you have to clean the classroom.
SB:yes,i do

you must put knives away after use
you must never low your children to pay with pots and pans on the stove
you must make sure you over electrical sockets when they are not in use
you must never let your children play with matches
you must put a fence around any ponds or pools in your garden.

in my country,taxi drivers musn't switch the meter on
in my country,taxi drivers must drive carefully
in my country,taxi drivers must be rude to passengers.
in my country,taxi drivers musn't carry more than four passengers.
in my country,taxi drivers don't have to have a mobile phone with them.

2.Can my child come into the hospital.
3.Can we take photographs in the museum.
4.Can we eat in here.
5.Can i wear shorts in this restaurant?
6.Can I use telephone

SA:Did they have to wear their best clothes.
SB:Yes,i did.They had wear their best clothes.
SA:Could they play piano for guests before dinner?
SB:Yes,i could.They had to play piano for guests before dinner.
SA:Did they have to sit at same table as adults?
SB:Could they have to put elbows on tabel.
SA:Yes.I could.They had to put elbows on table.
SA:Did they have to drink wine like adults?
SB:No,I didn't.They hadn't to drink wine like adults.
SA:Could they ahve to go to bed early.
SA:Did they have to sit in livig room with adults after dinner.
SB:Yes,I did.They had to sitin living room with adults after dinner.

unit-9 student book

1.A salt mine is a place where salt is dug out from below the surface of the ground
2.Ahamber is big room
3.A chapel is small church
4.A miner is someone who works underground to construct chapels
4. People are deeply religious believe strongly in a god or gods.

1.statues carved from rock salt.
2.an underground lake
3.a cave with huge salt crystals.
4.miners carrying salt up to the surface.
5. A special attraction is the chapel of the blessed kinga.


1.hidden world
2.deeply religious
3.church service
4.solid rock
5.lump of salt
6.salt crystals
7.a special crystals
8.ro carve sculptures
9.to dig a well
10.onforgetable sights

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.b

unit-8 student book

1.had opened
2.had stolen
3.had smashed
4.had pull
5.had thrown

1.had just finished,came
2.had never eaten,went
3.had have,read
4.had spent,came back
5.had seen,watched

1.b 2.a 3.e 4.c 5.d

2.after we had played monopoly,we finished dinner.
3.ann had just got into the shower,when the doorbell rang.
4.I hadn't gone to sleep ,until i finished the book.
5.kirsty had spoken to george several times.before he asked her out to dinner.
6.the train had already left.by the time we arrived at the station.
7.i had already prepared the meal.when my guests caleed to say they couldn't come.
8.paula went to bed.her guests had left.

1.had destroyd
2.had waited
3.had set
4.had painted
5.had leaved
6.had fallen

i had done my shopping before i had lunch yesterday.
i had played basketball before i had played football.
i had done my homework before i had watched tv.

Bill gates

1,Дэлхий хамгийн амжилттай ба хатгийн баян хүмүүсийн нэг Билл геймсийн хүн бүр сонссон.Тэр майкрософт щийн бизнесийг 1975 онд найзтайгаа эхлүүлсэн ба дэлхийн хамгийн том копьютерийн программ хангамжийн компани болсон юм.гейтс 31 настай дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан байсан.
2,Түүний бүтэн нэр william henry gates,тэр америкийн seattle хотод 1955\10\27-нд төрсөн.Тэр үнэхээр ухаалаг байсан ба матетатикийн хичээлд онцгой сайн байсан юм.Түүний гэр бүл түүнийг lake side-ийн хувийн сургууль руу явуулахаар шийдсэн ба тэр тэндээс анх компьютерийг ашиглаж эхэлсэн.Билл гейтс ба түүний сургуулийн найз Паул аллен 2 сургуулийнхаа гэрийн даалгаварыг хийхийн оронд компьютерийн сурах бас программ бичхэд бүх цагаа зарцуулж байв.
3,1973 онд сургуулиа дүүргэсний дараа,Bill америкийн хамгийн алдартай сургууль харвард руу явсан.Дараа жил нь Паул аллен билл 2 дэлхийн анхны микро компьютерийн нэг altair-д зориулсан программыг бичсэн.2 найз 1975 онд microsoft-эхлүүлсэн ба gates harvard-аас гарсан.олон жилийн өмнө.microsoft гол бизнесийн амжилт нь байсан.Тэр үеэс хойш,котпани хөгжсөөр байсан бөгөөд компьютерийн программ үйлдвэрлэж байсан.Түүний амжилтийн үндэс бол gates үнэхээр эрмэлзэлтэй бас шаргуу хөдөлмөрлөдөг байсан.Энэ нь нэгэн хэвийн амьдралд их цаг олгоогүй юм.гэвч 1995 онд тэр microsoft-ийн ажилтан melinda french-тэй гэрлэсэн.бас 1995 онд тэр амьдралийн зам хэмээх номоо бичсэн.
4,Bill microsoft-ын хөгжүүлэхэд маш их цагийг зарцуулсан.Би урьд нь хийж үзээгүй олон тэнд байдаг гэвч би ажилдаа дуртай.Тэр хэлэх дээ,би амралтаар явах үедээ ном унших бас гольф тоглох дуртай.Түүний амьдрал энгийн бас тэр өөрийн гэр бүл бас өөртөө бага цаг зарцуулдаг,бусдад туслахдаа Гейтс үнэхээр өглөгч.тэр аль хэдийн хандивт маш гх мөнгө төлсөн бас тэр ажлаасаа гарах үедээ өөрийн бүх хөрөнгийн ихэнхийг нь өгнө гэж төлөвлөжээ.

unit-7 student book

1.broken 7.cracked
2.twisted 8.treated
3.burnt 9.sprained
4.cut 10.hurt
5.bang 11.cured
6.scratched 12.hit

twist ankle-mr ellis
burn hand-mr west
hit head-mr brown
break arm-mrs clark
cut finger-tim

nurse:what's the problem ,mr west
patient:e have twisted burnt hand
nurse:what's the problem,mr brown
patient"i have hit head
nurse:what's the problem,mrs clark
patient:i have broken arm
nurse:what's the problem,tim
patient:i have cut finger

make bed-false
clean window-false
put books on shelvews-true
hand clothes in wardrobe-false
remove dirty cups-false
pick papers on floor-false

I have already done my homework
I have done my homework yet
I haven't done my homework today.
I have just done my homework.

he has just fallne in the water.
plane has just taken off.
he has just broken the window.
he has just hit finger.
she has just dropped the vase.
car has just crashed into the parking meter.

they have already painted the walls.
they have already hung the curtains.
they haven't laid the carpets.
they have already repaired the back door.
they haven't bought all the furniture.
they have already put up shelves.
they haven't tidied the garden.
they have already mended the fence.


1.she has been working all night.
2.they have been playing basketball all afternoon
3.he as been walking all day
4.they have been walking all morning



how long have you been living in hollywood?
i have been living hollywood since last august.
how long have you been driving racing cars?
i have been driving racing car since 1981
how long have you been waiting here?
i have been waiting here for few minutes.
how long have you beenreading that book?
i have been reading that book since last month.
how long have you been sunbathing?
i have been sunbathing for 2 years.

1.B.have you done
A.already done
B.have you taken
B.you have done
2.B.have you washed

unit-6 student book

EX 9
a. 1.boil 2.poach 3.steam 4.fry 5.bake
b. bread, cake and biscuits can be baked.
eggs,broccoli and chicken can be boiled.
meat, potatoes and fish can be paoched.
some vegetable,some fruits and some meat can be steamed.

EX 10

EX 11
vegetable - broccoli,peas, cabbage, brussels sprouts, lettuce
dairy products - cheese,butter,yoghurt
fish - salmon, trout
seafood -prawns, mussels,
meat - beef, lamb,veal
fruit - watermelon,peaches, apricots, strawberries
poultry - chicken,turkey, eggs

EX 12
SA: Would you like some hamburger?
SB: Yes,pls.And can I have some pasta,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want orange juice?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have tea. .

SA: Would you like some hot dog?
SB: Yes,pls.And can I have a jacket potato ,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want some sweets ?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have some chocolates. .

SA: Would you like some coffee?
SB: Yes,pls.And can I have a biscuit,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want some grapes?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have an apricot.

SA: Would you like some milk?

SB: Yes,pls.And can I have some eggs,too?
SA:Of course.Do you want a banana?
SB: No, thanks.I'd rather have a peach.

EX 13
4.a few
8.a little
10.a little
12. any
13. some

EX 14
2.You should empty the rubbish bins regulary.
3.You shouln't dry your hands on your clothes.
4.You should clean your work surfaces and cooking utensils regularly.
5.You should wash you hands before cooking.
6.You shouldn't let your pets sit on your work surfaces.
7.You should cover any wounds when you are preparing food.

EX 15
1. an expensive restaurant
2.a fast food restaurant
3.an expensive restaurant
4.a fast food restaurant
a fast food restaurant
6.an expensive restaurant

EX 16
a) 1. Do you want
2.I prefer

A:Do yo want something to eat?
B: Yes,pls. I'm starving.
A: Well, we've got soup.Would you prefer onion or chicken?
B: I prefer a chicken soup,pls.
b) 1.do you want
2.would you like
A: Do you want a hot dog ,Steve?
B: No, thanks.I'm not very hungry.
A: Would you like a piece of apple pie, then?
B: No,thanks.Just some coffee,pls.

EX 17
good points-a varied menu, a large salad bar, fast service, delicious food, a wide choice of vegetarian dishes, helpful,friendly staff, clean table, comfortable seating, a no-smoking policy

unit-5 student book

EX 5
Ito wants to be a firefighter because he wants to save lives.
Roberto wants to be a barman because he likes meeting people.
Natasha wants to be a doctor because she likes helping sick people.

EX 6
EX 12
1.going to
2.going to

EX 13
She is going to move house - future plan
She is moving house on Saturday - fixed arrangement

EX 14

I'm going to walk home after finish school.I'm going to do my homework and I'm going to listen to music.Then I'm going to watch a film. I'm going to get some exercise after watch a film.And last I'm going to go my bed.

EX 15
2.She is going to buy the house.
3.She is going to sell a necklace.
4.He is going to paint the door.
5.They are going to feed the ducks.
6.She is going to take a photo.
EX 16
1.B.are going
A. are you leaving
A: What are your plans for the Christmas?
B: We are going to Switzerland.
A: Wow! When are you leaving?
B: On 20th Dezember.
2.B. going to
A: It's very cold today.
B: Yes. It's going to snow.
3.B.will do
A: Which extra languages are you going to study next year?
B: I'm not sure yet, but I think I will study Spanish and Russian.

EX 18
SA: The soup is cold
SB: Sorry,madam.I'll heat it up for you.
SA: The table is dirty.
SB: Sorry,sir.I'll clean it for them.
SA: The bill is wrong.
SB: Sorry sir.I'll correct it for you.

EX 23
1.d 2.c 3.b d.e 5.a

EX 24
If he doesn't wake up,He will late for his interview.
If he lates for his interview, he won't get the job.
If he doesn't get the job, he won't earn any money.
If he doesn'r earn any money,he will spend his savings.
If he spend his savings, he will in big trouble!

EX 25
If Jackie studies hard, he will the best student in his school.
If you don't hurry, I will late my lesson.
If I win $ 10,000 , I will buy the house wiith my familie.
If they go to Paris,They will go shopping to many beautiful shops.
If Bill eats all the chocolates, he will ill.
If it stops raining, I will go to shop.

EX 26
2.when 3.will get 4.if 5.won't be 6.will be 7.when
8.will get off 9.will see 10.when 11.will reach 12.will be 13.if 14.will be 15.will meet

EX 27

1.I'd like
2.I'm afraid
3.You will